ТЕМА: Sport. Sport in Our Life. Sports and Games at the PT Lessons. Olympic Games.
Мета уроку :
- узагальнити та систематизувати набуті знання учнів з теми;
- закріпити назви видів спорту;
- активізувати словниковий запас учнів з теми;
- закріпити навички аудіювання, говоріння, письма, читання;
- повторити граматичний матеріал: вживання прийменників;
- сприяти формуванню в учнів вміння працювати в групах і самостійно, виділяти головне;
- розвивати увагу, злагодженість у роботі;
- виховувати інтерес до видів спорту, пропагувати здоровий спосіб життя,
- сформувати власне відношення до спорту;
- розширяти кругозір учнів з теми.
- текст «My Аttitude to Sports»,
- незаповнена таблиця Task ____;
- карточки,
- питання анкети «Чи я веду здоровий спосіб життя ?».
ТИП УРОКУ : Узагальнення та систематизація набутих знань, умінь, навичок.
Навчальні задачі
Зміст етапу
Методи та прийоми
Очікувальні результати
Sport (Sport in Our Life. At the PT lessons. Olympic Games)
1.Організаційний момент
2.Пенреквірка підготовки учнів до уроку
3.Організація уваги учнів
1. Привітання у віршованій формі
2. Фіксація відсутніх
Повна готовність класу до уроку. Швидке включення учнів у діловий ритм. Зосередження, налаштування на позитивну співпрацю
2.Повідомлення теми та мети уроку
1. Забезпечити прийняття учнями цілей уроку
2.Організувати й спрямувати до мети пізнавальну діяльність учнів.
1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
Today we have been comino to the end of topic “Sports and Games” and also we shall deal with the revision of all we have learnt/ By the end of the lesson you will be able:
- to use the words and expressions when listening, speaking and reading,
- to practice in common conversation about sport,
- to put in missing words, guess a crossword, make up your own story
Усвідомлення учнями важливості матеріалу, вміння показати те, чого вони навчилися протягом уроків, налаштування на активне застосування набутих знань, умінь, навичок з теми.
3. Мотивація навчальної діяльності
1.Забезпечити мотивацію навчання.
2.Актуалізувати суб’єктний досвід учнів
1) Warm up activity:
T: I’d like you to concentrate on the epigraph and explain the meaning of this proverb and give Ukrainian equivalent.
Epigraph: A sound mind is in a sounde body.(В здоровому тілі – здоровий дух).
2) In modern society it is very important to be healthy and keep fit. To find out how healthy and fit you are I suggest to answer the guestionnaire below.
(Заповнення анкети учнями) ( 1- 10)
3) Speaking about importance of health agree or disagree with the statements below (1-4).
Метод стимулювання й мотивації інтересу до навчання (створення ситуації зацікавленості)
Навчальна дискусія
Використання суб’єктного досвіду кожного учня, створення ситуації самопізнання, засвоєння правил ведення дискусії, вираховування індивідуальності учнів, крок до творчої діяльності, активізація знань учнів з теми.
4. Відтворення та коригування опорних знань
1.Забезпечити формування в учнів самостійного застосування , активної лексики з теми «Sports and Games»
Відтворення учнями активного словника з теми «Ігри та види спорту». Робота в групах: If you want to be healthy you must go in for sports you have already known different kinds of sports. Let’s recollect them working in 3 groups
(Розбиваються на 3 групи: 1 група – заповнює 1 колонку таблиці «Indoor sports»
2 група – 2 колонку «Outdoor sports»
3 група – 3 колонку “Both”
Після закінчення кожна група уважно слухатиме відповіді інших груп і виправлятиме помилки допущені ними.)
Look through the kinds of sport given in Task and tell which of them:
- you do at your physical training lessons
- any of your friends go in fo lets
Мозкова атака в письмовій формі
Навчити працювати і міні колективі. Виявлення рівня розуміння суттєвих ознак різних видів спорту. Коригування неточностей. Самостійне використання опорної лексики з теми.
5. Узагальнення й систематизація понять
1. Забезпечити формування цілісної системи знань та вмінь з теми «Sport in Our Life».
2. Узагальнити знання учнів з теми: вживання прийменників.
3. Стимулювати до більш глибокого осмислення навчального матеріалу
4.Тренувати усне мовлення з опорою на прочитане
Формування навичок читання з повним розумінням прочитаного. Виконання завдання пошукового характеру.
Постановка проблемного завдання
T: How much do you know about Sports and games in our modern life? Test youself!
- The most popular outdoor winter sports are __________.
- The sport that takes the 1st place in public interest is ________.
- The sports people can go in for all the year round are _______.
- The most tamous popularizer of aerobic was _______.
- The great international indoor game which is most popular in the world is_______.
Учням пропонується висловити свою відповідь на 5 запитань. Свою відповідь записати в зошит.
Після того, як всі учні висловляться, вчитель пропонує прочитати текст і перевірити свої відповіді.
- Most people understand the importance of sports in people’s life but not all people go in for sports. Can you explain why?
( відповіді учнів)
T: So, it’s clear that everyone has its own attitude to sports. The following task is to read the text “ My attitude to sports” and complete the sentences with prepositions/
- After the reading answer the following questions in writing:
- Do you and other members of your family or friends go in for sports? Do you\ They enjoy doing it? Are you\ they amateurs or professionals?
Частково-пошуковий метод
Елемент дискусії
Практичний метод
Творчий метод організаційно-пізнавальної діяльності
Формування здатності обробляти інформацію, усвідомлене засвоєння знань і їх використання, розвиток пізнавальних здібностей. Формування навичок аудіювання, читання, усного мовлення. Засвоєння правила вживання прийменників.
Творче використання набутих знань, вмінь та навичок.
6. Домашнє завдання
Забезпечити розуміння учнями цілей, змісту й способу виконання домашнього завдання
1. Повідомлення домашнього завдання. Пояснення методики його виконання.
Скласти кросворд на тему «Different kinds of sport of Olympic Games»
Розуміння правильного виконання домашнього завдання учнями
Activity 1. Answer me questionnaire below. For questions 1-6, 9-10 answer YES or NO, for questions 7- 8 make your choice.
1. Do you take some energetic exercise for at least 20 minutes three times a week?
2. Do you usually take the lift rather than walk up two floors?
3. Have you walked at least one and a half kilometres at any time in the last week?
4. Do you usually fry rather than grill or boil food?
5. Do you try not to eat too much sugary, salty or fatty food?
6. Do you eat a piece of fresh fruit every day?
7. How much coffee do you usually drink a day?
a) 1-2 cups b) 3-5 cups c) 5-7 cups d) more than 7 cups
8. What sort of smoker are you? (Tick one box.)
a) Never smoked b) Ex-smoker c) 1-10 a day
d) 11-20 a day e) 21-40 a day f)____(your answer)
9. Do you often fall asleep while watching TV?
10.Do you usually wake up looking forward to the day?
To find out how healthy and fit you are, give yourself marks in this way:
1. YES +40 NO -10
2. YES-10 NO+10
3. YES +10 NO -10
4. YES -20 NO +20
6. YES +20 NO -20
7. a) 20 b) 0 c) -20 d) -40
8. a) +40; b) +10; c) -10; d) -20; e) -30; f) -40
9. YES -10 NO - 0
10. YES +20 NO -20
Do your points add up to a plus (more healthy) or minus (less healthy) score overall?
• If you scored +100 or more, you are already taking most of the right steps for
health and fitness. Well done, and keep up the good work!
• If you scored minus 100 or worse, you seriously need to change your lifestyle.
Start today!
• If you scored between +100 and -100, have you thought about how you could
improve the way you look after yourself? Perhaps more exercise? A more careful
Activity 2. Agree or disagree with the statements below.
1. People today pay too much attention to the health of their bodies and not enough
to the health of their minds.
2. There is no point in keeping fit as medical science is now so advanced that it
can cure almost every illness.
3. If everyone gave up smoking, the number of hospital patients would be halved.
4. What's the point of worrying about your weight? Some people are naturally
slim and some are naturally fat.
1) tobogganing
2) ski-jumping
3) keeping fit
4) bowling
5) chess
6) draughts
7) wrestling
8) jogging
9) leisure centre
10) rowing
а) шашки
b) боротьба
с) веслування
d) біг підтюпцем
е) санний спорт
f) стрибки на лижах з трампліна
g) гра у кеглі
h) шахи
і) вести здоровий спосіб життя
j) центр відпочинку
1) basketball football tennis baseball
2) judo volleyball boxing wrestling
3) table tennis cycling swimming
4) tennis volleyball table tennis boxing
5) baseball golf tennis football
6) swimming sailing wind-surfing rowing
Activity 5. Look at the names of kinds of sport given in Activity 4 and tell which of them:
- you do at your physical training classes
- you would like to take up
- any of your friends go in for
- you think are very risky or even dangerous
- you like to watch on TV
- you would never go in for
- you have ever been keen on
- you would recommend to some of your friends
1. The most popular outdoor winter sports are______.
2. The sport that takes the first place in public interest is_______.
3. The sports people can go in for all the year round are_______.
4. The most famous popularizer of aerobics was_______.
5. The great international indoor game which is most popular in the world
Sports All the Year Round
A lot of people all over the world are fond of sports and games. These are the things in which people of every nationality and class are united. Physical exercises of any kind are useful and can make our bodies stronger and our health better.
The most popular outdoor winter sports are ice-hockey, skiing, skating and tobogganing. Some people greatly enjoy figure-skating and ski-jumping. Isn't it nice to go to a skating-rink to skate or to the forest and mountains to ski on a frosty winter day?
Summer gives excellent opportunities for swimming, boating, sailing and many other sports. Among outdoor games football probably takes the first place in public interest - this game is played in most countries in the world. The other games that have firmly established themselves in favour in different countries are tennis, volleyball, basketball, badminton and table tennis, rugby and cycling and many others.
All the year round people indulge in athletics, gymnastics, track and field events, running, jumping and jogging. Quite a few men are keen on boxing and wrestling, while scores of young girls and women enjoy calisthenics. Over the last years aerobics and shaping have become popular with girls and young women. The most famous promoter of this kind of sports was a well-known American actress Jane Fonda. She encouraged women of all ages all over the world to go in for this kind of sports because it helps them to keep fit and healthy.
Among the indoor games the most popular are billiards, bowling, draughts, table tennis, fencing, badminton and the great international game is chess, of course! The results of chess tournaments are studied and discussed by thousands of enthusiasts in different countries.
My Attitude to Sports
_______(1) my opinion sports is one_______(2) the things that helps to keep people fit and healthy. Physically inactive people get older earlier than those who have plenty_______(3) exercise. Being_______(4) good health means having both body and mind_______(5) good working order, free_______(6) disease and pain.
I like the Latin proverb that says «A sound mind is_______(7) a sound body.» If you want to be physically and mentally healthy - go_______(8) sports.
Sports is very popular_______(9) our family. Practically all the year round my father and I do our usual morning exercises_______(10) the stadium which is close_______(11) our house. Only if the weather is really nasty we do them______(12) home. When my Dad was young he was a good ball player and played_______(13) his institute. He has never given_______(14) playing and now
he has his training twice a week. Sometimes he takes me_______(15) him and I play_______(16)his team-mates.
My Mum and younger sister are good swimmers and they go______(17) the swimming-pool every Sunday_______(18) winter and use every chance to swim in the river when it is warm.
My favourite sport is tennis. I have been playing it_______(19) I was nine. I belong_______(20) a youth tennis club and often take part_______(21) different tennis tournaments. I don't always win _______(22) them but every time I lose a game I learn something_______(23) my mistakes. I believe that sports help to build character. Besides tennis I am good_______(24) other sports games and
our school PT teacher often asks me to play_______(25) our volleyball, football and basketball teams. I never refuse because I enjoy playing.
All our family likes to watch sports programmes_______(26) TV. We support «Dynamo» Kiev football team and never miss important matches. We are also hockey fans and really get upset when our favourite team loses. But we never have pessimistic feelings because we believe that winning is not the main thing_______(27) sports.
Activity 9. Read the texts below and guess what kinds of sports are described in them.
1. I guess you could say that this is our national sport - we certainly have got the right kind of weather for it. It has the reputation of being a pretty rough and tough game. Anyhow, as its name suggests, we play it on ice, on skates and the object of the game is to score by hitting the puck into the net. You have to be really well dressed up and padded and protected for this because it's easy otherwise to get badly hurt.
2. This sport has a long and traditional history in my country. It is a mixture of meditation and concentration, and accuracy. It's important to breathe properly. Obviously you need a bow and arrow and to aim at the target.
3. I don't know whether you can really call this a sport but it is something that people from my country have been very good at. We have had lots of grand masters and international grand masters. It is an ancient game. I think it originally came from Persia, now Iran. It is about strategy and it requires a very good memory of other games and intense concentration. You play it on a board with sixty-four squares and the object of the game is to capture the enemy's king. Each player has sixteen pieces which move around the board in a certain way.
4. Today it is one of the most popular competitive summer sports in the world. Players from many countries take part in international tournaments, professional and amateur. The most famous of British tournaments is Wimbledon. The game that we play today is a descendant of another popular game played in the 19th century on green lawns, the father of which is traditionally said to be Walter Winfield. Each player's objection is to strike a ball into the court of his/her opponent so that it cannot be returned. The procedure for scoring is peculiar to the game. The winner is the player who wins the most games in a certain number of sets.
5. It is a new kind of sport which is said to originate in the USA. It is not competitive and is usually done by sensation-seeking individuals. In this sport a person jumps from a high place such as a bridge or a cliff, with a long elastic rope tied to their feet or waist.
Speaking Activity 10. speak on the following:
- Most people understand the importance of sports in people's life but not all people go in for sports. Can you explain why?
- Do you and other members of you family (relatives or friends) go in for sports? What kind? Do you/they enjoy doing it? Are you/they amateurs or professionals?
- Which sport would you like to learn and why?
- What kinds of sport do you like and what do you dislike? Why?
- Do you support a particular team? Which one? How often do you go to sports events or do you prefer to watch sports on TV?
- What do you think is the most popular sport activity in your country? Why do you think so?
- What do you think is more important: to develop professional sports or to pay more attention to the physical culture of all people?
- Some people say that it is impossible to achieve high results in sports without strong will-power. What do you think about it? Can you give any examples?
- Think of a particular sport and describe the qualities that a good player needs to have.
- There is an opinion that women's boxing, kick-boxing and other dangerous kinds of sports should be banned. What do you think about it?